While the rest of GB was brushing the Corgis or nursing a hangover, a dozen of us bravely followed our leaders Heather and Malcolm over some delightful country east of Stourhead. We had the odd shower but by and large it was a grand five miles in enjoyable company. No humping – amongst the hounds I should hasten to add - and a well behaved if reduced pack, made for another most enjoyable walk.
With the Olympics nearly upon us the competitive spirit we learned had arrived early amongst some of our pack. For example going to answer a ring at the door, hardly takes a minute, but in that time Heather lost a whole Victoria sponge cake to one of her hounds, while someone else lost her Sunday roast in not much longer time. And did you know that Bassets can pick out coffee Thornton chocolates and leave them behind while gobbling the rest? Now surely that talent is worth a medal somewhere?
All the photos below from Guy.