Regret I wasn't able to attend this one but Leader Gay says that "We had a pleasant stroll through fields & woods and along by the river. It was somewhat wet underfoot in places and all 21 hounds that attended became suitably dirty very quickly!
It was really good to catch up with a few familiar faces that can only attend local walks as their hounds are not 'good travellers' (sick bags to the ready!) Especially good to catch up with Amanda (who last led the walk with Stuart) who came with Liz and her family of hounds.
Also caught up with a few recent 're-homes' all of whom seemed to have settled down well with their new families and thoroughly enjoying their new lives.
We're all looking forward to the next gathering (probably on Berrow beach at Burnham in February).
I hope all fellow 'Basseteers' have a joyful Christmas & New Year."
Thanks Gay.
(All these photos from Mary Creedy. Leader Gay in centre with stripes)