It's doubtful if we'll ever have such an amazing walk. The week before was the worst snow we'd had for 40 years with us unable to get out of our village for the two days before without a 4 x 4. Yet, for once, the forecast was spot on with a thaw announced to arrive the Saturday before our walk and with no frost due I took an Executive Decision to let the walk proceed.
This was particularly fortuitous for our two new German friends who had driven all the way, virtually non-stop, from Giessen, Germany, with their two magnificent hounds just to be with us. They stayed five nights just up the road from us but weren't able to fully enjoy the Somerset countryside till Sunday. Thank you Bettina and Aline.
And thanks to the 12 who did make the effort, including Jade from Montreal via Oxford, to really enjoy what turned out to be a glorious sunny day, after a depressing shower at the start.
Here is Albert, I think, though it could well be Albrecht, both just two years old. Despite their enormous size, they were so gentle and friendly as you can see he's keen to make friends with Lynda.