Basset Hound Walkers Burnham


Unfortunately I had a malfunction with my camcorder, so I can only offer still pics plus a Burnham press photographer who turned up before the walk. For his report please see here>

It was great to see some 34 Bassets turn up for this walk along the beach. You came from far and wide - Swindon and Glos, and even a couple from Oxfordshire who stayed overnight. Well done to one and all. Not many got past the chip shop going out, but never mind, you made the effort.

Bassets Burnham

Ready for the off (this pic and below from Ally of Street)


Monty leading The Pack


Bassets Burnham

Bassets Burnham

Bassets Burnham

Low Lighthouse

For those who couldn't get past the chip shop, this is the Low Lighthouse with my Harmony and Melody.

Bassets lighthouse

Mark with his ever welcome fudge - and hopeful hounds.

Bassets lighthouse


Bassets Burnham


Chris & Ally's Tallulah









Terry with his Petit Griffon Basset

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