This will be the fifth time we have hit Exmouth - which along with Burnham beach - seems to attract the most hounds. As low tide that day is 12.12 we shall be able to meet at our usual time of 10.30.
Our Walk Leader for today is Gay. Directions to the start are: Follow the A376 right in to Exmouth (keeping to right at traffic lights). At the roundabout by station and Marks & Spencer, go right at the 2nd exit and follow signs to seafront. Drive along the front, past the Premier Inn. Look for a new water sports centre on your right just before a Z bend. If you drive past the Z bend you've missed the entrance (on your left).
![Premier Inn](images/254_Exmouth_Nov2019.jpg)
and Pavilion.
![Sea front](images/254_pic2.jpg)
Go straight across the mini-roundabout by Ocean.
![Sea front](images/254_pic3.jpg)
The road has been altered here, giving way to the development of a new water-sports centre.
The car park entrance is almost opposite this, just before a Z bend. (Photo from November 2020)
![New water sports centre](images/255_Exmouth_new_watersports_centre.jpg)
And here is the car park entrance, just before the Amusements.
![Exmouth car park entrance](images/254_Exmouth_carpark_entrance.jpg)
![Queens Drive car park](images/254_pic6.jpg)
It is a pay & display, £3 for over 3 hours.