Crowcombe walk

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Last time we walked in the Quantocks we explored the steeper Western side. This time we are going to the more gentle and more wooded Eastern slope.

The Quantocks are glorious for walking: Wordsworth and Coleridge thought so, before moving up to the Lakes. Our walk takes us from 1200ft at the ridge gently down into pine woods, then through Sessile oak trees and then out onto open moorland, via a stream and back to our motors. On a reasonable day we will see Wales, the Bristol Channel, Exmoor and much of Somerset. For a map of the route see here.

Our exhilarating five miles starts from Crowcombe Park Gate above the village of Crowcombe itself where a certain gentleman called Trollope-Bellew ran a pack of Basset Hounds till 1965 – hallowed ground indeed.

To reach the start (10.30am)

Most will come via J25 off the M5. Follow the signs to Minehead (A358) all the way round Taunton, via several roundabouts and traffic lights. The last roundabout will be the Cross Keys where the Minehead road really starts. It is now 8 miles further. Follow this north past Bishops Lydeard and the West Somerset Railway (privately owned), past Triscombe (look for signs to cream teas – later), go down and up a hill and at the top take the first right to Crowcombe (see photo right). After ¼ mile take the first turning right (see next photo), carry on left at the fork, that will take you up a 1 in 4 hill. At the top drive over the cattle grid and proceed a few hundred yards when you will arrive on the common with cars parked anywhere and everywhere. I suggest you park on the grass on the right so we can be all together.

Map ref of The Start (Crowcombe Park Gate) is ST150377. The nearest postcode I can find is TA4 4AD (Crowcombe Court: a nursing home – later).

After the walk we can adjourn to the excellent Stable Cream Tea place – seen earlier – but only if you've earned it.

Crowcombe map

Crowcombe woods

Bristol Channel

From Dowsborough Fort. You could see Wales if it wasn't for the heat haze or maybe volcanic ash: can't tell these days.

Crowcombe turn off

The first turning off the A358 (Minehead road)

Signpost to Crowcombe Park Gate

Turn right in village up 1 in 4 hill to
Crowcombe Park Gate

Sessile oaks

Sessile oaks

Forest ride