Basset Hound Walkers

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Want to lead a walk?

If you want to organise a walk in your area, please let me know and I'll put it up on this site. Criteria: 5+ miles, with some woods or open moorland for a good run and ideally finish near a pub or café.











Basset Hound Walkers at Savernake

A legal preamble: anyone partaking these walks must look after themselves and their hound(s). Neither I nor the Basset Hound Club (if you're a member) can accept responsibility for any mishap. OK? We're just a group of friends out for a walk who happen to have an addiction. And we walk under Covid -19 rules. Keep the two metres distance. No hugs, no kisses and definitely no fornication - unless the walk organiser gives permission.

Mer de Glace

Don't worry, not one of our regular walks, but this taken in September 2018. Query: could my 13 yr 11 month old Matilda and Melody be the first Basset Hounds to go to Mont Blanc? To be exact, not actually climb Mont Blanc, but they did take the Montenvers rack railway and see the Mer de Glace, one of Europe's most amazing sights.

Ham Hill basset walk

Our first proper walk was in October 2007 from Ham Hill near Yeovil along the ridge to Montacute (see above). Then back for lunch at the Prince of Wales. A modest five miler. We have repeated this walk several times since as it is such a good one.

Big Basset over stile
The walk programme is set out here. All will be around five - six miles to make it worthwhile journeying from a distance. Just bring some lunch and bonios.

Provisional dates (all walks start 10.30am)

October 6th : Exmouth beach see here:

Offers invited to lead walks: stake your date now. Suggested provisional dates and venues. These are all projected walks, ie if you want to run one from your back door please let me know.


